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Fast Dash apps are deployed as any other Flask app. A universal and hence the recommended way to deploy is to containerize the application and then deploy it to an endpoint.

Here're the general steps involved with the deployment process:

  1. Extract the Flask server from the FastDash app object (server = app.server).
  2. Add a Dockerfile in the same directory that contains the main Fast Dash app module.
  3. Build and run Docker container.

The recommended directory structure is:

- requirements.txt
- Dockerfile
- (Other scripts that your Fast Dash app needs)
- ... (Other dependencies)

With these steps in mind, let's see how we can deploy our simple text-to-text Fast Dash app to Google Cloud Run. We can use the same process to deploy to any service that deploys web applications as Docker containers, like Hugging Face spaces.

1. Google Cloud Run

Step 0. Get started with Google Cloud

Get started with Google Cloud here. If you already have an account, proceed to the console and select Cloud Run from the list of services.

Although not mandatory, it's highly recommended to get access to the gcloud command line utility. The gcloud CLI reduces the lines of code need to deploy apps down to just one!

Step 1. Extract Flask server object

Note that @fastdash decorators are not recommended for production deployment. So if you've been using the decorator to develop the app locally, use the FastDash class instead for production deployments. Then, simply define the server object with app.server.

app = FastDash(callback_function, ...)
server = app.server

server is the Flask object that gets deployed. We need to isolate it so we can instruct gunicorn in the next step to deploy it inside our Docker container.

Step 3. Create Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile in the current path and modify it to reflect the following:

FROM python:3.9-slim

# Copy local code to the container image.
ADD . /app

# Install production dependencies.
RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Deploy app using gunicorn
CMD exec gunicorn wsgi:server --bind :$PORT

Step 4. Update requirements.txt

Add gunicorn to the list of dependencies in requirements.txt.

Step 5. Deploy! 🚀

If the gcloud CLI was correctly installed in step 1, simply run this command from the root of your project directory:

gcloud run deploy

You will be asked to choose a few different settings for your deployment. Read Google Cloud Run's documentation here to understand what each of them mean.

That's it! Google Cloud will build your app inside a Docker container and display the URL once it's ready. The entire operation can take upto five minutes for simple applications. The build time highly depends on the complexity of your app and the number of dependencies.