5. Global map of water indices with Geemap
This notebook is optimized to run in Google Colab. An interactive demo of this example is deployed here.
In [1]:
#!pip install geemap spyndex fast-dash
#!pip install geemap spyndex fast-dash
In [1]:
import ee
import geemap.foliumap as geemap
import spyndex
import datetime
import pandas as pd
from fast_dash import FastDash, Fastify, html, dbc, dmc, dash
import ee
import geemap.foliumap as geemap
import spyndex
import datetime
import pandas as pd
from fast_dash import FastDash, Fastify, html, dbc, dmc, dash
Read GAUL data values¶
In [3]:
data = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkedar7/fast_dash/docs/docs/Examples/assets/gaul_data.csv")
data = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dkedar7/fast_dash/docs/docs/Examples/assets/gaul_data.csv")
In [4]:
0 | United Republic of Tanzania | Arusha | Karatu |
1 | United Republic of Tanzania | Iringa | Iringa Rural |
2 | United Republic of Tanzania | Iringa | Kilolo |
3 | United Republic of Tanzania | Manyara | Mbulu |
4 | United Republic of Tanzania | Pwani | Kisarawe |
Get a list of water indices¶
In [5]:
columns = ["application_domain", "contributor", "date_of_addition", "long_name", "platforms", "reference", "short_name"]
track_index = []
for index in spyndex.indices.keys():
i = spyndex.indices[index]
index_df = pd.DataFrame(track_index, columns=columns)
water_indices = index_df[(index_df.application_domain == "water") &
(index_df.platforms.apply(lambda x: "Landsat-OLI" in x))]
# Add label column
water_indices["label"] = water_indices.apply(lambda row: f"{row.short_name} ({row.long_name})", axis=1)
columns = ["application_domain", "contributor", "date_of_addition", "long_name", "platforms", "reference", "short_name"]
track_index = []
for index in spyndex.indices.keys():
i = spyndex.indices[index]
index_df = pd.DataFrame(track_index, columns=columns)
water_indices = index_df[(index_df.application_domain == "water") &
(index_df.platforms.apply(lambda x: "Landsat-OLI" in x))]
# Add label column
water_indices["label"] = water_indices.apply(lambda row: f"{row.short_name} ({row.long_name})", axis=1)
/tmp/ipykernel_368/3195300281.py:20: SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
In [6]:
application_domain | contributor | date_of_addition | long_name | platforms | reference | short_name | label | |
2 | water | https://github.com/davemlz | 2022-09-22 | Augmented Normalized Difference Water Index | [Sentinel-2, Landsat-OLI, Landsat-TM, Landsat-... | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2021.105030 | ANDWI | ANDWI (Augmented Normalized Difference Water I... |
8 | water | https://github.com/davemlz | 2021-09-18 | Automated Water Extraction Index | [Sentinel-2, Landsat-OLI, Landsat-TM, Landsat-... | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2013.08.029 | AWEInsh | AWEInsh (Automated Water Extraction Index) |
9 | water | https://github.com/davemlz | 2021-09-18 | Automated Water Extraction Index with Shadows ... | [Sentinel-2, Landsat-OLI, Landsat-TM, Landsat-... | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2013.08.029 | AWEIsh | AWEIsh (Automated Water Extraction Index with ... |
69 | water | https://github.com/davemlz | 2022-04-20 | Land Surface Water Index | [Sentinel-2, Landsat-OLI, Landsat-TM, Landsat-... | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2003.11.008 | LSWI | LSWI (Land Surface Water Index) |
71 | water | https://github.com/davemlz | 2022-01-17 | Multi-Band Water Index | [Sentinel-2, Landsat-OLI, Landsat-TM, Landsat-... | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2018.01.018 | MBWI | MBWI (Multi-Band Water Index) |
Define utility functions¶
In [7]:
def get_index_function(index_name, image_collection):
# Get the index function from Spyndex.
return spyndex.computeIndex(index=index_name,
params={"B": image_collection.select("B2"),
"G": image_collection.select("B3"),
"R": image_collection.select("B4"),
"N": image_collection.select("B5"),
"S1": image_collection.select("B6"),
"S2": image_collection.select("B7"),
"T1": image_collection.select("B10"),
"T2": image_collection.select("B11"),
"gamma": 1,
"alpha": 1})
def calculate_mean_index(image, region):
mean_value = image.reduceRegion(
scale=30, # Adjust the scale according to your dataset and accuracy requirements
return mean_value.getInfo()
# Define a color palette manually.
palette = [
'000033', # Very dark blue
'000066', # Dark blue
'000099', # Medium dark blue
'0000CC', # Moderate blue
'0000FF', # Blue
'3399FF', # Lighter blue
'66CCFF', # Light blue
'99CCFF', # Very light blue
'CCE6FF' # Extremely light blue
def get_index_function(index_name, image_collection):
# Get the index function from Spyndex.
return spyndex.computeIndex(index=index_name,
params={"B": image_collection.select("B2"),
"G": image_collection.select("B3"),
"R": image_collection.select("B4"),
"N": image_collection.select("B5"),
"S1": image_collection.select("B6"),
"S2": image_collection.select("B7"),
"T1": image_collection.select("B10"),
"T2": image_collection.select("B11"),
"gamma": 1,
"alpha": 1})
def calculate_mean_index(image, region):
mean_value = image.reduceRegion(
scale=30, # Adjust the scale according to your dataset and accuracy requirements
return mean_value.getInfo()
# Define a color palette manually.
palette = [
'000033', # Very dark blue
'000066', # Dark blue
'000099', # Medium dark blue
'0000CC', # Moderate blue
'0000FF', # Blue
'3399FF', # Lighter blue
'66CCFF', # Light blue
'99CCFF', # Very light blue
'CCE6FF' # Extremely light blue
Define the main function and build Fast Dash app¶
In [8]:
country_component = dmc.Select(data=data.ADM0_NAME.unique().tolist(),
value="United States of America",
label="Country of interest",
state_component = dmc.Select(label="State, provience or an equivalent administrative unit",
value="New York",
county_component = dmc.Select(label="County, district or an equivalent administrative unit",
index_component = dmc.Select(data=water_indices.label.unique().tolist(),
# Define a function that takes start_date, end_date, country, city, and index as arguments.
def water_spectral_indices(country: country_component,
state_or_province: state_component = None,
county_or_district: county_component = None,
water_index: index_component = None,
minimum_index_value: int = -1,
maximum_index_value: int = 1) -> html.Iframe(height="100%"):
Visualize the selected water spectral index. Select your geography from the inputs to get started. Map on the left displays the median index value \
for the years 2013 - 2015 and the map on the right displays median values for the years 2021-2023. Compare the two maps to understand how these values \
changed over the years.
Learn more about the Spyndex Python library that enables this dynamic index computation [here](https://github.com/awesome-spectral-indices/spyndex).
:param country: The country of interest.
:type country: str
:param state_or_province: State, provience or an equivalent administrative unit.
:type state_or_province: str
:param county_or_district: County, district or an equivalent administrative unit.
:type county_or_district: str
:param water_index: Name of the water index.
:type water_index: str
:return: HTML of the leafmap object.
:rtype: str
if not state_or_province:
raise Exception("Please select a state")
if not county_or_district:
raise Exception("Please select a county")
# Load the Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL) dataset, which includes administrative boundaries.
admin_boundaries = ee.FeatureCollection('FAO/GAUL/2015/level2')
# Filter the GAUL dataset for the specified city and country.
geometry = admin_boundaries \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('ADM0_NAME', country)) \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('ADM1_NAME', state_or_province)) \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('ADM2_NAME', county_or_district)) \
# Load a satellite image collection (e.g., Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance).
left_image = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR') \
.filterBounds(geometry) \
.filterDate("2013-01-01", "2015-12-31") \
.median() \
right_image = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR') \
.filterBounds(geometry) \
.filterDate("2021-01-01", "2023-12-31") \
.median() \
# Get index name
index_name = water_indices[water_indices.label == water_index].short_name.iloc[0]
index_function_left = get_index_function(index_name, left_image)
index_function_right = get_index_function(index_name, right_image)
# Generate legend and visualization parameters
# Define visualization parameters using the custom palette.
vis_params = {
'min': minimum_index_value,
'max': maximum_index_value,
'palette': palette
# Calculate the range interval for each color.
num_colors = len(palette)
interval = 2.0 / num_colors
# Create the legend dictionary with range values as keys.
legend_dict = {}
for i, color in enumerate(palette):
# Define the range for each color.
range_min = round(-1 + i * interval, 2)
range_max = round(-1 + (i + 1) * interval, 2)
# Use the range as the key and the color as the value.
legend_dict[f'{range_min}-{range_max}'] = color
# Visualize the spectral index using Geemap.
Map = geemap.Map(basemap="CartoDB.Positron")
Map.centerObject(geometry, zoom=11)
left_layer = geemap.ee_tile_layer(index_function_left, vis_params, f"{index_name} 2013-2015")
right_layer = geemap.ee_tile_layer(index_function_right, vis_params, f"{index_name} 2021-2023")
Map.split_map(left_layer, right_layer)
# Add a legend to the map.
Map.add_legend(title="Legend", legend_dict=legend_dict, position='bottomright')
comparison_map = Map.to_html()
return comparison_map
country_component = dmc.Select(data=data.ADM0_NAME.unique().tolist(),
value="United States of America",
label="Country of interest",
state_component = dmc.Select(label="State, provience or an equivalent administrative unit",
value="New York",
county_component = dmc.Select(label="County, district or an equivalent administrative unit",
index_component = dmc.Select(data=water_indices.label.unique().tolist(),
# Define a function that takes start_date, end_date, country, city, and index as arguments.
def water_spectral_indices(country: country_component,
state_or_province: state_component = None,
county_or_district: county_component = None,
water_index: index_component = None,
minimum_index_value: int = -1,
maximum_index_value: int = 1) -> html.Iframe(height="100%"):
Visualize the selected water spectral index. Select your geography from the inputs to get started. Map on the left displays the median index value \
for the years 2013 - 2015 and the map on the right displays median values for the years 2021-2023. Compare the two maps to understand how these values \
changed over the years.
Learn more about the Spyndex Python library that enables this dynamic index computation [here](https://github.com/awesome-spectral-indices/spyndex).
:param country: The country of interest.
:type country: str
:param state_or_province: State, provience or an equivalent administrative unit.
:type state_or_province: str
:param county_or_district: County, district or an equivalent administrative unit.
:type county_or_district: str
:param water_index: Name of the water index.
:type water_index: str
:return: HTML of the leafmap object.
:rtype: str
if not state_or_province:
raise Exception("Please select a state")
if not county_or_district:
raise Exception("Please select a county")
# Load the Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL) dataset, which includes administrative boundaries.
admin_boundaries = ee.FeatureCollection('FAO/GAUL/2015/level2')
# Filter the GAUL dataset for the specified city and country.
geometry = admin_boundaries \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('ADM0_NAME', country)) \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('ADM1_NAME', state_or_province)) \
.filter(ee.Filter.eq('ADM2_NAME', county_or_district)) \
# Load a satellite image collection (e.g., Landsat 8 Surface Reflectance).
left_image = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR') \
.filterBounds(geometry) \
.filterDate("2013-01-01", "2015-12-31") \
.median() \
right_image = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR') \
.filterBounds(geometry) \
.filterDate("2021-01-01", "2023-12-31") \
.median() \
# Get index name
index_name = water_indices[water_indices.label == water_index].short_name.iloc[0]
index_function_left = get_index_function(index_name, left_image)
index_function_right = get_index_function(index_name, right_image)
# Generate legend and visualization parameters
# Define visualization parameters using the custom palette.
vis_params = {
'min': minimum_index_value,
'max': maximum_index_value,
'palette': palette
# Calculate the range interval for each color.
num_colors = len(palette)
interval = 2.0 / num_colors
# Create the legend dictionary with range values as keys.
legend_dict = {}
for i, color in enumerate(palette):
# Define the range for each color.
range_min = round(-1 + i * interval, 2)
range_max = round(-1 + (i + 1) * interval, 2)
# Use the range as the key and the color as the value.
legend_dict[f'{range_min}-{range_max}'] = color
# Visualize the spectral index using Geemap.
Map = geemap.Map(basemap="CartoDB.Positron")
Map.centerObject(geometry, zoom=11)
left_layer = geemap.ee_tile_layer(index_function_left, vis_params, f"{index_name} 2013-2015")
right_layer = geemap.ee_tile_layer(index_function_right, vis_params, f"{index_name} 2021-2023")
Map.split_map(left_layer, right_layer)
# Add a legend to the map.
Map.add_legend(title="Legend", legend_dict=legend_dict, position='bottomright')
comparison_map = Map.to_html()
return comparison_map
In [9]:
app = FastDash(water_spectral_indices, port=8001, theme="cosmo", mode="external")
app = FastDash(water_spectral_indices, port=8001, theme="cosmo", mode="external")
WARNING:root:Parsing function docstring is still an experimental feature. To reduce uncertainty, consider setting `about` to `False`.
Additional app functionality¶
In [10]:
# Keep only the states present in the selected country
@app.app.callback(dash.Output("state_or_province", "data"),
dash.Input("country", "value"))
def filter_states(country):
return sorted(data[data.ADM0_NAME == country].ADM1_NAME.unique().tolist())
# Keep only the counties present in the selected country and state
@app.app.callback(dash.Output("county_or_district", "data"),
dash.Input("country", "value"),
dash.Input("state_or_province", "value"))
def filter_counties(country, state):
filtered_data = data.copy()
if country:
filtered_data = filtered_data[filtered_data.ADM0_NAME == country]
if state:
filtered_data = filtered_data[filtered_data.ADM1_NAME == state]
return sorted(filtered_data.ADM2_NAME.unique().tolist())
# Keep only the states present in the selected country
@app.app.callback(dash.Output("state_or_province", "data"),
dash.Input("country", "value"))
def filter_states(country):
return sorted(data[data.ADM0_NAME == country].ADM1_NAME.unique().tolist())
# Keep only the counties present in the selected country and state
@app.app.callback(dash.Output("county_or_district", "data"),
dash.Input("country", "value"),
dash.Input("state_or_province", "value"))
def filter_counties(country, state):
filtered_data = data.copy()
if country:
filtered_data = filtered_data[filtered_data.ADM0_NAME == country]
if state:
filtered_data = filtered_data[filtered_data.ADM1_NAME == state]
return sorted(filtered_data.ADM2_NAME.unique().tolist())
In [11]:
Dash app running on